Below are several organizations that provide free assistance to small businesses. Check them out to take advantage of what they have to offer!
Agency / Organization | How they help small businesses |
Small Business Administration (SBA) | The SBA provides capital, counseling, and training programs. Check out their certifications in this article. |
US Chamber of Commerce | 1. Small business advocacy. |
Operation Hope – 1MBB initiative (1 Million Black Business Initiative) | The 1MBB initiative aims to start, grow, and scale 1 million Black businesses by 2030 to provide a successful path to wealth creation for the Black community. |
SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) | SCORE mentors provide guidance and support to small business owners in various areas, such as business planning, marketing, sales, finance, and operations. |
US Treasury Department | The US Treasury Department has programs to assist small businesses with credit, capital, investment, and training. |