Below are several organizations that provide free assistance to small businesses.  Check them out to take advantage of what they have to offer!

Agency / OrganizationHow they help small businesses

Small Business Administration (SBA)​​

The SBA provides capital, counseling, and training programs.  Check out their certifications in this article.

US Chamber of Commerce

1. Small business advocacy.
2. Networking to help small businesses find new customers, partners, and suppliers.
3. Education and training.
4. Research and data analysis on small business trends and issues.
5. Access to capital.
Check out your local Chamber of Commerce.  There will be several to choose from if you live in a Metropolitan area.

Operation Hope – 1MBB initiative (1 Million Black Business Initiative)

The 1MBB initiative aims to start, grow, and scale 1 million Black businesses by 2030 to provide a successful path to wealth creation for the Black community.

SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives)

SCORE mentors provide guidance and support to small business owners in various areas, such as business planning, marketing, sales, finance, and operations.

US Treasury Department

The US Treasury Department has programs to assist small businesses with credit, capital, investment, and training.
Start-up resources
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